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25 Provocative Predictions For 2024 From The World’s #1 Political Observer


GOVERNMENT OVERREACH Habeas corpus will not be restored in Australia. The Australian Federal Budget will be in deficit and expenditure will increase on the previous year. Correct: “A deficit of $28.3 billion is forecast in 2024–25.” Source: Statement 1: Budget Overview. Page 2. https://budget.gov.au/content/bp1/download/bp1_bs-1.pdf Correct:...

China’s Priority Next: Faith or Freedom?


In my previous article "China 2024 and Beyond", I argued that China, amid its troubles, is in desperate need of a visionary leader akin to Deng Xiaoping. Such a leader could rejuvenate China's economy through policies that prioritise freedom.  The esteemed former senator, Bob Day, responded by emphasising the power of the Gospel when contemplating China's future trajectory. It's a...

The Nation State


As another Australia Day passes, it gives us the opportunity to reflect on our national identity and what it truly means to be Australian with the number purporting to opt out of celebrating our national day increasing. CHANGE THE DATE 26 January 1788 marks the landing of the First Fleet and raising of the Union Jack in Sydney Harbour. While it...

Decommissioning Solar & Wind Projects: A Costly Endeavour


Over the last decade, decommissioning and waste management of solar and wind energy projects has grown into a thriving industry. In the decades to come, with the continued deployment of projects all over the world, it will massively expand. Solar and wind projects require highly specialised recycling and waste management processes. Decommissioning large plants can run up costs of millions,...

The Liberty Coalition is Finally (T)Here


In my first article, I discussed the disunity among the ‘freedom movement’ and the loosely aligned ‘freedom’ parties. This sparked further discussion, culminating in the beginning of a potential coalition for federal elections. While that seems to have fizzled out for now, political coalition-building and alliance-forming is gaining traction across the Pacific. COLOARDO FOR LIBERTY In the US state of Colorado,...

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Part II:Programmable Money