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This Tax To GDP Rate Is Mind-Blowing!


With the Commonwealth Budget due to be presented later today, Australians should reflect on the words of Winston Churchill, who wisely observed that “there is nothing government can give you that it hasn't taken from you in the first place.”  Such clarity seems missing from our contemporary economic and public finance debates. There is a myth, even an attempt at...

14 Crackerjack Ideas To Revivify Education


It’s no secret our education system is one of many government institutions at breaking point. Our children are the ones who are suffering with student academic results showing a steady decline and an increase in youth mental health presentations. Staffing shortages and unprecedented violent attacks are at the forefront of the crisis.   I have worked in the system implementing my performing...

Why I Oppose The Voice


Whether to oppose or support the Voice referendum is an easy decision for me. The proposal is fundamentally racist, and I’m a libertarian. Racism is a collective concept and simply incompatible with libertarianism. Libertarians see people as individuals, not as members of a group. The proposal is for people of the Aboriginal race to elect members of the Voice, which will...

On Guns, Feelings Are Not Facts


Whenever there is a public shooting in America, Australian media and politicians give a sigh and shake their heads in mock despair. How is it, they ask, that a smart country like America cannot do what is necessary to stop this from occurring, by implementing gun laws similar to those in Australia? The gun laws Australia introduced in 1997 were...

SENATE LIVE: Nuclear energy debate from the Senate floor now …


LIVE DEBATE Live now from the Senate floor, Senator Ralph Babet (UAP, Vic) raises ‘matter of interest’ … removal of Australia’s prohibition on nuclear electricity generation. The Senator in full flight. An historic speech. Watch live now …https://www.aph.gov.au/News_and_Events/LiveMediaPlayer?vID=%7B5BBCDCF5-4A0C-4A05-86CF-EE872069FBD9%7D&type=1 HISTORY Nuclear energy prohibition started to emerge as a possibility in the old Hawke, Nuclear Disarmament Party days in the 1980s. However, the nuclear energy prohibition...

FLASH POLL: Do You Support The United States-Australian Military Alliance?

fav americans

There’s been a lot of talk about the US-Australian alliance, especially with AUKUS nuclear submarines attracting bi-partisan support in Australia. Libertarians typically split on the issue of foreign affairs, geopolitics and military action. Group one says we should maintain a self-reliant, self-defensive military and not engage in foreign entanglements. Adopting a non-interventionist policy in matters foreign, this school of thought argues...

SENATE ALERT: Battle fought to remove covid vaccine mandates in the workplace


The Workplace Health and Safety Bill was being debated at 12:30pm today and a coordinated insurgency was executed to amend the Bill to ensure covid vaccine mandates were impermissible.Leading the fight were Senators Ralph Babet (UAP, Vic), Gerard Rennick (LNP, Qld), Matt Canavan (LNP, Qld), Malcolm Roberts (ON, Qld) and Alex Antic (Lib, SA).Labor, the Greens and all but...

ANSWER: The Carlson-Shapiro Question


I admit it. There I was on 27 February 2023, making a little mischief with my article: VOTE NOW! Tucker Carlson or Ben Shapiro? Well, it was mischief-making in the sense that I like to sharply define the line between liberal and conservative and then, with all the goodwill in the world, provoke people to think and explore these differences. There is a difference, you...

Section 51(xxvi). Repeal. Rescind. Delete!


By crikey, I’m a little bothered we’re always at sea politically. The Left is pounding us with wave after relentless policy wave. The Liberal Party has drowned, its body face-down, bobbing and drifting. We libertarians, classical liberals and the otherwise centre-right are in danger of the rip sweeping us to sea. Things are perilous. Just look at the eddies and currents fatiguing...

Soft Power Through The Arts


Last month, Liberty Itch revealed how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses Chinese culture and the Chinese-Australian diaspora to engage in influence-grabbing, covert-operations in Australia. Such tactics are a threat to Australian democracy as these operations are often intended to weaken the democratic process, hampering the ability of many Australian citizens and leaders to voice their dissent against the anti-freedom Chinese government. The lack...

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