Freedom of Association

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You’re The Voice


In a quiet moment today or even right now if that’s possible, read the lyrics below whilst watching this clip … and tell me this doesn’t make you more determined politically. “We're not gonna sit in silence, We're not gonna live with fear” could well apply to the last two and a half years. So, are you going to “Make...

Laughing In The Face of Tyranny, $1 Million Bounty On Their Heads


Imagine you lived in Australia and enjoyed a great life. Then the government became tyrannical, you protested for democracy, but an anti-democratic security law was passed and you were intimidated and arrested. Released, you fled to New Zealand and were granted a visa there. But the Australian Federal Police placed a bounty on your head of $A190,202 (US$127,728) and...

Citizen Journalist Videos Police Collusion With A Violent Mob


Violent trans activists riot, endangering British pro women speaker, Posey Parker.

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