Freedom of Association

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Labor Betrays Doc Evatt And South Australians


For all my life, Australia has been a place where freedoms were safe. In fact, Dr Herbert Vere Evatt, a Labor man of letters, youngest ever High Court justice, Opposition Leader during the Menzies era  and a not so distant relative of mine, led an Australian delegation to the brand-new United Nations and pushed through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights....

Australia’s Taiwan Visit Sparks Ugly CCP Sabre-Rattling

Australian PM and Chinese President

This month, six members of Australia's federal parliament, composed of both Labor and Coalition members, visited Taiwan. This diplomatic excursion was organised by Liberal politician Scott Buchholz and involved former Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, as well as Labor MPs Meryl Swanson and Libby Coker. Under intense pressure from the Chinese Communist Party and no doubt advised by the Department...

Let’s Make Government Redundant. Here’s How.

Home Schooling

MAKING GOVERNMENT REDUNDANT Here at Liberty Itch, we love practical initiatives which undermine the need for government. Afterall, if we’re constantly fighting government bloat within the bureaucracy, we’re probably going to lose. There are too many Sir Humphrey Appleby’s around, right? So, if the battle is about making government smaller, let’s withdraw from its services. Let’s make government redundant. Here’s how. Home-schooling! Let’s step through the...

You’re The Voice


In a quiet moment today or even right now if that’s possible, read the lyrics below whilst watching this clip … and tell me this doesn’t make you more determined politically. “We're not gonna sit in silence, We're not gonna live with fear” could well apply to the last two and a half years. So, are you going to “Make...

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