Freedom from Assault

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BREAKING: Man Who Chanted “CCP, Step Down”, Arrested and Disappeared!


Brave Chinese citizens have yet again risked imprisonment challenging their country’s regime. They took to the streets to fight the Chinese Communist Party’s prolonged and inhumane lockdown, a policy which caused residents trapped in their high-rise apartment building in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, to be burned-alive. In scenes from the security state rarely accessible to the world, Chinese people gathered...

INTERVIEW: The CCP imprisoned him. She got him out!


If you listen to rare public forays by senior members of the security establishment, the spies and their agencies, we in the West are under threat from several fronts. Looming front and centre, they say, is an expansionary Chinese Communist Party. To be clear, Liberty Itch has no quarrel with the Chinese people. However, Liberty Itch is sceptical of government of...

Laughing In The Face of Tyranny, $1 Million Bounty On Their Heads


Imagine you lived in Australia and enjoyed a great life. Then the government became tyrannical, you protested for democracy, but an anti-democratic security law was passed and you were intimidated and arrested. Released, you fled to New Zealand and were granted a visa there. But the Australian Federal Police placed a bounty on your head of $A190,202 (US$127,728) and...

Citizen Journalist Videos Police Collusion With A Violent Mob


Violent trans activists riot, endangering British pro women speaker, Posey Parker.

Racial Friction in New Zealand


For every government in New Zealand, the year commences with a focus on Maori affairs. For historical reasons most political parties undertake a pilgrimage to the Ratana Church on the 25th of January to commemorate the birthday of the congregation’s prophet, Tahupōtiki Wiremu Rātana. It is a reserved affair: politicians are discouraged from grandstanding and expected to listen to...

Granny Basher’s Discharge Sends the Right Message


One year ago I made a young man famous. The video footage of the horrific political violence he perpetrated against a 71 year-old lady at a Women’s Rights rally shocked the world, leading to international condemnation of New Zealand.  Two weeks ago I was in court to witness his sentencing: he received a discharge without conviction and his name was...

No, Men are not OK


As a society, we generally do not like to talk about suicide. And when we do, we tend to avoid a key issue – why do so many men take their own lives, and why are so many of them middle-aged? The statistics are stark: of 3,249 Australians who took their own lives in 2022, 2,455 were males. That’s more...

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Liberty and National Borders

Libertarianism is all about the freedom of individuals from coercion. Libertarians believe the proper role of government is defined by JS Mill’s harm principle:...