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VIDEO: Doing What’s Right!


A timely reminder about what’s at stake in Victoria …

Twitter Can Now Fly


Two hours ago, Elon Musk’s long-anticipated acquisition of Twitter was completed. Hopes now run high that at least one social media platform can operate for all and free speech restored. Time will tell. As an avid user of the platform, I believe the following needs addressing: 1.       Bots. The system is fouled by fake accounts created by algorithm. The platform must be cleansed...

The Terminator Would Kill Your Freedom


Covid is still with us. So is the propaganda and freedom-busting laws which have accompanied it. Thankfully now, the hysteria seems to be dissipating and we should all feel more comfortable pushing back. The laws which are eroding our civil liberties? Removing them will take years. In light of Pfizer executive Janine Small’s admission to the the European Parliament that their covid...

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The Art of the Deal

US Libertarians met for their National Convention in Washington DC late last month, where they heard from a range of speakers and selected their...

The Everyday Libertarian