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Maintaining The Rule Of Law During Times Of Crisis


One of the main safeguards to the rule of law is an independent judiciary. Courts should have the authority to decide cases related to the exercise of emergency powers and remove measures that violate laws or fundamental rights. Judicial review acts as a check of executive power and helps maintain the rule of law. This point was established long ago...

SENATE ALERT: Battle fought to remove covid vaccine mandates in the workplace


The Workplace Health and Safety Bill was being debated at 12:30pm today and a coordinated insurgency was executed to amend the Bill to ensure covid vaccine mandates were impermissible.Leading the fight were Senators Ralph Babet (UAP, Vic), Gerard Rennick (LNP, Qld), Matt Canavan (LNP, Qld), Malcolm Roberts (ON, Qld) and Alex Antic (Lib, SA).Labor, the Greens and all but...

GRAPHIC: Live, fatal organ extraction exposed


Prepare yourself. This interview is hard for sun-soaked Australians to comprehend. It’s a topic most of our politicians avoid. It’s too troubling. It opens a Pandora’s Box of questions, about humanity, ethics, complex interconnections, human rights, our future, and sickening expediency beyond our imagination. So, before the interview, Liberty Itch will step you through a quick, summarising primer. There is credible evidence that Australia’s #1...

FREEDOM! The Daughter of Davos Resigns.


Two extraordinary things happened yesterday. First, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced her resignation effective, at the latest, early in February 2023. (Yes, New Zealanders need to endure her for a few weeks more!) Second, I put out this short tweet yesterday together with a video of the Prime Minister, and it went viral. In a mere 180 minutes, it...

Stunning Early Victorian Election Prediction

Matthew Guy

To be clear, I don’t know who’s going to win the Victorian election later tonight, 26 November 2022. How can I or any of us? However, I’m going to make a prediction as I write this at 3:20pm ACDT 26 November 2022, and have the prediction published just minutes before the polls have closed so you know I’ve not had any...

VIDEO: Doing What’s Right!


A timely reminder about what’s at stake in Victoria … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDDQQWsvUl0

The Terminator Would Kill Your Freedom


Covid is still with us. So is the propaganda and freedom-busting laws which have accompanied it. Thankfully now, the hysteria seems to be dissipating and we should all feel more comfortable pushing back. The laws which are eroding our civil liberties? Removing them will take years. In light of Pfizer executive Janine Small’s admission to the the European Parliament that their covid...

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INTERVIEW: Wincing First-Hand Account of Uyghur Concentration Camp Torture

This isn’t easy to read. Omar Bekali visited Adelaide recently to deliver a series of keynote speeches. At first glance, a man on a speaking tour...