Habeas Corpus

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Maintaining The Rule Of Law During Times Of Crisis


One of the main safeguards to the rule of law is an independent judiciary. Courts should have the authority to decide cases related to the exercise of emergency powers and remove measures that violate laws or fundamental rights. Judicial review acts as a check of executive power and helps maintain the rule of law. This point was established long ago...

INTERVIEW: Wincing First-Hand Account of Uyghur Concentration Camp Torture


This isn’t easy to read. Omar Bekali visited Adelaide recently to deliver a series of keynote speeches. At first glance, a man on a speaking tour seems ordinary enough. However, Omar’s story is anything but ordinary. A survivor of the Chinese Communist Party’s Xinjiang Camp, Omar Bekali, 46, presents as a courageous but scarred man with first-hand experience of the Chinese Government’s...

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Why 26 January Matters

I put it to you that the story of Henry Kable and Susannah Holmes is reason enough to celebrate Australia Day on 26 January. Henry...