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Soft Power Through The Arts


Last month, Liberty Itch revealed how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses Chinese culture and the Chinese-Australian diaspora to engage in influence-grabbing, covert-operations in Australia. Such tactics are a threat to Australian democracy as these operations are often intended to weaken the democratic process, hampering the ability of many Australian citizens and leaders to voice their dissent against the anti-freedom Chinese government. The lack...

Senator Thorpe’s Shock Resignation

unlucky women

Lydia Thorpe is out! The abrasive and race-obsessed Senator, who resigned in disgrace as Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens in 2022, now resigns from the Party which made her career and had her return in 2022. You can understand Adam Bandt’s ashen face. Loyalty be damned! Hemmed-in by a nation-destroying fence of her own construction, she’ll now enjoy a life on...

Melbourne Man Charged With Foreign Interference Offence


The phrase 'foreign interference' often brings to mind the covert meddling into Australian affairs by the Chinese and Russian governments, both the foes of democracy.  It’s fascinating to observe Australian politicians and the public's attitude towards Russia and China. We are quick to reprimand Russia for its involvement in the Ukrainian conflict, yet our knees wobble when it comes to...

An Open Letter To Mr. Alexander Downer

Alexander Downer

This open letter assumes the reader has also read the Australian Financial Review column by Alexander Downer dated 4 Dec 2022 found here . Start there and follow with this Open Letter. 27 January 2023 Dear Mr. Downer, I read your Australian Financial Review column dated 4 December 2022 with great interest. As a former State and Federal Executive member of the Liberal...

WA Liberal Leader Scurries Out The Back Exit


It’s Lunar New Year this week. The term Lunar New Year is more accurate than Chinese New Year. The spring festival is not exclusively Chinese but celebrated throughout China, Hong Kong, Tibet, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and, yes, here in Australia among communities sharing this heritage. Liberty Itch strives for accuracy, an appreciation of all cultures which observe...

FREEDOM! The Daughter of Davos Resigns.


Two extraordinary things happened yesterday. First, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced her resignation effective, at the latest, early in February 2023. (Yes, New Zealanders need to endure her for a few weeks more!) Second, I put out this short tweet yesterday together with a video of the Prime Minister, and it went viral. In a mere 180 minutes, it...

BREAKING: Violent CCP thug convicted in NSW

Ted Hui

This week, a pro-Beijing self-described ‘spontaneous patriot’ was successfully convicted in a Sydney court of criminal intimidation. Last August 2022, prominent pro-democracy activist and former Hong-Kong Legislative Councillor, Ted Hui, suffered a politically driven assault and intimidation in Sydney. Chinese Communist Party supporter, Billy Kwok, influenced by the Chinese government’s propagandist apps WeChat and Weibo, was not happy with Mr. Hui’s...

China’s Covert Australian Ops


The Chinese Communist Party’s public diplomacy programs in Australia look innocent enough. From the delightful Wang Wang and Funi Event at the Adelaide Zoo, to the partially CCP-subsidised OzAsia Festival, from the more recent Chinese Music Performance at the Adelaide Town Hall to the 'Chinese Singing Competition' held at a South Australian university campus. Chinese culture is on display. This is...

Let’s Make Government Redundant. Here’s How.

Home Schooling

MAKING GOVERNMENT REDUNDANT Here at Liberty Itch, we love practical initiatives which undermine the need for government. Afterall, if we’re constantly fighting government bloat within the bureaucracy, we’re probably going to lose. There are too many Sir Humphrey Appleby’s around, right? So, if the battle is about making government smaller, let’s withdraw from its services. Let’s make government redundant. Here’s how. Home-schooling! Let’s step through the...

10 Funky Ideas To Move the Overton Window


It feels like we liberals are always on the back-foot. Here’s just a sample of what we face: Liberty Itch is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. 45% of GDP being government expenditure. Is 51% socialism? Voice To Parliament. How will a parliamentary ethno-chamber build cohesion? Payroll taxes. Who thought a tax...

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