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The Myth of Speed


We are constantly told that Australia has a huge road toll. Every holiday break and long weekend there are reports of how many people were killed, amid inferences that this is a major and growing tragedy.   Equally constant is the assertion that the underlying cause is speeding. There is a never-ending campaign, complete with gory advertisements warning of lifelong injuries,...

The Arguments and Rebuttals for Government Maintenance of Competition


This week the US Federal Court handed-down its decision in the United States of America et al v Google LLC, in which the US Government challenged Google for using exclusionary monopolistic behaviour to deny its rivals access to distribution channels provided by Apple and Samsung. Google lost but may appeal. Formidable, straight-shooting American libertarian, Hannah Cox, raised some interesting points...

How Sunk Cost Fallacy Drives Authoritarian Policies


Sunk cost fallacy is the tendency of people to stick with a decision or course of action that isn’t having a positive result because the person has invested time, money and/or resources that cannot be recovered and do not want to feel that they have wasted them. In many cases, sunk cost fallacy can even drive people to double...

The Tax Power


The Commissioner of Taxation has too much power.  Libertarians consider tax to be either theft or, at best, should be low and flat to cover bare necessities. It certainly shouldn’t be as complex as it is or run to thousands of pages.  Most mainstream tax reform proponents have grandiose visions that would only add complexity and likely raise the overall tax...

The Case for Wisdom, Temperance, and Common Sense.


With all the chaos occurring within western democracies right now, I thought it timely to focus on solutions rather than the troubles we face.  In the primer to this publication, it states that Liberty Itch will present ideas that will champion your rights as an individual, challenge concepts that threaten those freedoms, and warn you of impending coercion.  My contribution, as...

The Art of the Deal


US Libertarians met for their National Convention in Washington DC late last month, where they heard from a range of speakers and selected their presidential candidate. However, this was unlike any other Libertarian National Convention – in fact, it was unlike any prior political party convention in US history. MAKE AMERICA LIBERTARIAN AGAIN The headline speaker for the Libertarian National Convention...

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Victoria: The Nanny State

*** Publisher's Note: this article was written before the resignation of Victorian Premier, Dan Andrews *** Victoria is a Nanny State on steroids. Dan Andrews’...

A Nation of Takers