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Caught! CCP captured in media sting interfering in the Adelaide City Council elections


The Adelaide Advertiser has just broken a story which should shock you. At least two candidates in the Adelaide City Council elections are pro communist. In fact, they’ve been colluding with the Chinese Communist Party and its consulate in Adelaide strategically located near defence facilities. Here’s how the infiltration works: Step 1 - "‘Incentivise the Labor and Liberal parties to allow international...

Twitter Can Now Fly


Two hours ago, Elon Musk’s long-anticipated acquisition of Twitter was completed. Hopes now run high that at least one social media platform can operate for all and free speech restored. Time will tell. As an avid user of the platform, I believe the following needs addressing: 1.       Bots. The system is fouled by fake accounts created by algorithm. The platform must be cleansed...

Short Imagined Conversation with a Voice To Parliament Advocate


A Citizen (C) and a Voice To Parliament advocate (VtP) bump into each other. A conversation ensues ... C:           Hi there. What’s news? VtP:       We’re going to have a Voice to Parliament. C:           What’s that? VtP:       An advisory body for First Nations people. C:           The Sumerians? VtP:       Who? C:           Oh, you mean Aboriginal people. VtP:       We don’t use that word anymore. It’s not inclusive. C:           Sorry. Indigenous people. VtP:      ...

There Is Hope. Check This Out …


If you consume any type of centre-right content, you could be forgiven for thinking the world is falling apart. There is problem-after-problem to fix. The Left is relentless in taking us in the wrong direction. The overall direction of society seems lost on both economic and social fronts. The tone is dark, the mood gloomy. And you certainly don’t feel good having...

The Terminator Would Kill Your Freedom


Covid is still with us. So is the propaganda and freedom-busting laws which have accompanied it. Thankfully now, the hysteria seems to be dissipating and we should all feel more comfortable pushing back. The laws which are eroding our civil liberties? Removing them will take years. In light of Pfizer executive Janine Small’s admission to the the European Parliament that their covid...

Introducing Liberty Itch


If you’re like me, you have an itch for liberty and need to scratch. You and I can’t help it. There’s no point trying to fight it. The urge is persistent and requires attention. We’re both hard-wired to be concerned citizens in this crazy world. “Concerned” is a relevant word here. So is “crazy.” It seems as if so much is amiss. Let’s start with...

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In my previous article, I asked readers to consider making a submission to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) regarding the draconian Misinformation...

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