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Annastacia Palaszczuk’s “Stay Safe” Checklist for Nanny State Devotees

Annastacia Palaszczuk

Stay safe, Queensland – tie your shoelaces with a double clove-hitch knot just to be certain Stay safe, Queensland – it’s set to rain today so bring your high-viz, rubber-shaft-and-handle umbrella Stay safe, Queensland – only kiss your wife if she’s wearing two N95 covid masks Stay safe, Queensland – lock your house when you leave in the morning and double-check the...

BREAKING: Man Who Chanted “CCP, Step Down”, Arrested and Disappeared!


Brave Chinese citizens have yet again risked imprisonment challenging their country’s regime. They took to the streets to fight the Chinese Communist Party’s prolonged and inhumane lockdown, a policy which caused residents trapped in their high-rise apartment building in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, to be burned-alive. In scenes from the security state rarely accessible to the world, Chinese people gathered...

Why Liberty Is Losing and What To Do About It


SETTING THE SCENE You could be forgiven for feeling despair at the state of Australian politics right now. Ditto for the West as a whole. Unfortunately, despair doesn’t take us where we need to go. There are four forces pulling us in the wrong direction at the moment. The quick summary is that the Liberty-Authority war is raging but Liberty is losing too...

JUST IN: Job Application for Chief Economic Advisor to the Australian Greens


Dear Comrade, I take great pleasure in applying for the role of Chief Economic Advisorto the Australian Greens. First, I graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Arts where I studied post-colonial free verse poets from the sub-Saharan former British Empire. With that lower-second Honours degree, I was fast-tracked into a full-time Masters for Gender Studies at La Trobe...

What John Stuart Mill Says We Should Do Next


On Saturday, before the polls closed, I correctly predicted the Victorian election result. My forecast wasn’t genius. I’ve just been around politics a long, long time and see the perennial rules of the game. Knowing the result is the easy part. Discerning ‘why’, well, that’s another level of understanding again. TV, newspaper and social media pundits are already misconstruing the ‘why’. Even the Victorian...

Stunning Early Victorian Election Prediction

Matthew Guy

To be clear, I don’t know who’s going to win the Victorian election later tonight, 26 November 2022. How can I or any of us? However, I’m going to make a prediction as I write this at 3:20pm ACDT 26 November 2022, and have the prediction published just minutes before the polls have closed so you know I’ve not had any...

Possible Legal Defences For The Adelaide CCP Consulate “Officers” Caught Ballot Harvesting


BREAKING: ADELAIDE, AUSTALIA.Liberty Itch has obtained a copy of possible legal defences to be mounted by Adelaide-based CCP “we’re not spies” officers in the District Court of South Australia. The operatives were caught illegally harvesting Adelaide City Council ballots earlier this week in a media sting which may see the pair do jail time. The canvassed legal defences include: “We have a...

Original Movie Titles, If The Libertarian Director Had His Way

Lawrence of Arabia

Liberalising the Labour Market(Gone With The Wind) The Evils of Monopoly(Citizen Kane) Life, Liberty and Happiness, Bar the Bunny(Fatal Attraction) Rule of Law Prevails(A Few Good Men) Black-Market Complications and a Tax-Funded Cop Run Ragged(No Country For Old Men) Homeschooler Rejects NSA Code-Breaker Job(Good Will Hunting) Free Will and the Red Pill(The Matrix) Libertarian or Anarcist?(Lawrence of Arabia) Resist Tyranny(Gladiator) Escaping the Surveillance State(The Truman Show)

Yeeks! The Numbers Don’t Lie

Alfred Deakin

You and I can surely agree on a couple of points: First, free enterprise in a competitive market does 95% better in servicing the needs and desires of citizens than government. Better efficiency, better service delivery, better products, better time-frames, more innovation and less waste. Second, the free markets aren’t perfect. Businesses with whom you trade may become insolvent. Sometimes fraud...

INTERVIEW: The CCP imprisoned him. She got him out!


If you listen to rare public forays by senior members of the security establishment, the spies and their agencies, we in the West are under threat from several fronts. Looming front and centre, they say, is an expansionary Chinese Communist Party. To be clear, Liberty Itch has no quarrel with the Chinese people. However, Liberty Itch is sceptical of government of...

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Achieving The Elusive Balanced Budget

Fun facts about Australia’s debt at the end of the following governments … 37th Parliament (Keating, Labor) … $96 billion 41st Parliament (Howard, Coalition) … $58 billion (down...