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Look What Happens When You Abandon Philosophy!

Puzzled Look

I’ve said it before a hundred times. I’ll say it again. Political philosophy matters. There’s no point telling me that philosophy is for intellectuals only. No! Philosophy is the bedrock on which policies are created. Everyday, regular Australians instinctively know this even if they’re not philosophy wonks. Here’s the proof. When the Liberal Party of Australia publishes Our Beliefs, it just doesn’t sound right. It feels...

Jim Chalmer’s High School Economics Textbook Writes A Letter To Australia


Dear Australians, It’s not my fault! I begged Jim to read the chapter on the dangers of price capping. But back at school, which is the last time he thumbed through any of my pages, he skipped the whole chapter, no yellow highlighter in sight. Skipped monetary policy, Chicago and Austrian Schools too, all the good stuff. Of course, every single word on...

Let’s Make Government Redundant. Here’s How.

Home Schooling

MAKING GOVERNMENT REDUNDANT Here at Liberty Itch, we love practical initiatives which undermine the need for government. Afterall, if we’re constantly fighting government bloat within the bureaucracy, we’re probably going to lose. There are too many Sir Humphrey Appleby’s around, right? So, if the battle is about making government smaller, let’s withdraw from its services. Let’s make government redundant. Here’s how. Home-schooling! Let’s step through the...

INTERVIEW: Wincing First-Hand Account of Uyghur Concentration Camp Torture


This isn’t easy to read. Omar Bekali visited Adelaide recently to deliver a series of keynote speeches. At first glance, a man on a speaking tour seems ordinary enough. However, Omar’s story is anything but ordinary. A survivor of the Chinese Communist Party’s Xinjiang Camp, Omar Bekali, 46, presents as a courageous but scarred man with first-hand experience of the Chinese Government’s...

The Long, Long, Long Long List of Taxes!


Have you ever wondered how many taxes there are in Australia? The answer might shock you! Here’s the list. (If I’ve missed some, please let me know in the comments below): (Federal) Personal Income Tax (aka PAYG Withholding Taxes) (Federal) Company Tax (Federal) Capital Gains Tax (Federal) Goods and Services Tax (Federal) Fringe Benefits Tax (Federal) Medicare Levy (Federal) Medicare Levy Surcharge (Federal) Superannuation Guarantee (Federal) Superannuation Guarantee Charge (Federal) Luxury...

5 Quotes From Lord Jonathan Sumption

Lord Sumption

These five quotes are from a speech delivered on 13 October 2022 in Australia by The Right Honourable Lord Jonathan Sumption, former senior judge of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. They go to explaining how our citizens invite authoritarianism, the cost of this, and what has held back despotism to date … “In modern conditions, risk-aversion and the fear...

Annastacia Palaszczuk’s “Stay Safe” Checklist for Nanny State Devotees

Annastacia Palaszczuk

Stay safe, Queensland – tie your shoelaces with a double clove-hitch knot just to be certain Stay safe, Queensland – it’s set to rain today so bring your high-viz, rubber-shaft-and-handle umbrella Stay safe, Queensland – only kiss your wife if she’s wearing two N95 covid masks Stay safe, Queensland – lock your house when you leave in the morning and double-check the...

BREAKING: Man Who Chanted “CCP, Step Down”, Arrested and Disappeared!


Brave Chinese citizens have yet again risked imprisonment challenging their country’s regime. They took to the streets to fight the Chinese Communist Party’s prolonged and inhumane lockdown, a policy which caused residents trapped in their high-rise apartment building in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, to be burned-alive. In scenes from the security state rarely accessible to the world, Chinese people gathered...

Why Liberty Is Losing and What To Do About It


SETTING THE SCENE You could be forgiven for feeling despair at the state of Australian politics right now. Ditto for the West as a whole. Unfortunately, despair doesn’t take us where we need to go. There are four forces pulling us in the wrong direction at the moment. The quick summary is that the Liberty-Authority war is raging but Liberty is losing too...

JUST IN: Job Application for Chief Economic Advisor to the Australian Greens


Dear Comrade, I take great pleasure in applying for the role of Chief Economic Advisorto the Australian Greens. First, I graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Arts where I studied post-colonial free verse poets from the sub-Saharan former British Empire. With that lower-second Honours degree, I was fast-tracked into a full-time Masters for Gender Studies at La Trobe...

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