
Home Satire

Possible Legal Defences For The Adelaide CCP Consulate “Officers” Caught Ballot Harvesting


BREAKING: ADELAIDE, AUSTALIA.Liberty Itch has obtained a copy of possible legal defences to be mounted by Adelaide-based CCP “we’re not spies” officers in the District Court of South Australia. The operatives were caught illegally harvesting Adelaide City Council ballots earlier this week in a media sting which may see the pair do jail time. The canvassed legal defences include: “We have a...

Annastacia Palaszczuk’s “Stay Safe” Checklist for Nanny State Devotees

Annastacia Palaszczuk

Stay safe, Queensland – tie your shoelaces with a double clove-hitch knot just to be certain Stay safe, Queensland – it’s set to rain today so bring your high-viz, rubber-shaft-and-handle umbrella Stay safe, Queensland – only kiss your wife if she’s wearing two N95 covid masks Stay safe, Queensland – lock your house when you leave in the morning and double-check the...

12 Visionary Reasons To Just Embrace The Postmodernists, Damn It!


Welcome to your very own, brand-new Commonwealth of Postmodernism. The early stages of Idiocracy. Coming to you right now … World’s first postmodern capitalism, Chalmers edition. Praised by WEF for phasing-out that pesky private property anomoly. Tax feels less like a lean social contract for essentials and more like big fat cannula in the vein draining away your life. Oh jooooy! Local...

CAPTION THIS: What is Malcolm Roberts Thinking?


Yesterday’s antics from “Senator” Lidia Thorpe were AOC-esque in their immaturity. This, we have come to expect from her as she blesses us in her last term. Little comment has been made that the woman standing next to the grovelling senator is the unyielding Senator Pauline Hanson (PHON, Qld), identified by her black and white shoes. But who’s that fella behind...

What is the Collective Noun for Politicians?


Behold. The Australian Parliament. Look at them closely. You can’t help but poke fun. Shorten nonplussed. Burney next to our flag for the first time? Gee lost. The symbolic lone mask! And who’s that texting during a photo shoot?So I ask you, on this our Friday Funnies ….What is the collective noun for politicians?Share your answer in the comments below …

FRIDAY FUNNY: Cackling Kamala!


Enjoy! … or be deeply concerned.

She Hectored The Brits


Scotch College “Mean Girl” named P. WongIn Foreign Affairs not so long.She hectored the Brits,“Colonising half-wits!Your history is all bad and wrong.” Such charm and diplomacy rareThat the Brits to the door did repair.”We’ll take that on notice,Talk AUKUS with POTUSAnd let you know whether we care!”

Who’s Adding or Removing The PM From Their Christmas Card List?


Apparently, many are adding or removing Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, from their Christmas card mailing list. Here are the notable ten … Novak Djokovic, added. Despite new covid cases being less last year on 30 Dec 2021 at 33,811 when Mr. Djokovic was in Australia last and the numbers being higher now at 39,695 on 29 Dec 2022, the tennis...

Poet: 1. Dystopian AI: 0.


Kurt Mahlburg, avid Liberty Itch reader and man of Faith, was testing AI app ChatGPT for political bias and posted the results yesterday … Readers of Liberty Itch will know that I try to reserve Fridays for levity and satire as we head into the weekend. And the result of this test is anything but that.Well done to Kurt, for alerting us to the...

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