Kurt Mahlburg, avid Liberty Itch reader and man of Faith, was testing AI app ChatGPT for political bias and posted the results yesterday …

Readers of Liberty Itch will know that I try to reserve Fridays for levity and satire as we head into the weekend. And the result of this test is anything but that.

Well done to Kurt, for alerting us to the threat.

As Friday Funnies loomed though, a response in Kurt’s comment section caught my eye, a response which proves – among other lessons – that you simply can’t crush the indomitable human instinct for freedom.

A limerick from Mike Bull …

Poet: 1.

Dystopian AI: 0.

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An entrepreneur who has employed 1,470+ people, Kenelm was admitted to the BRW Fast 100 three times with businesses in Australia, NZ, Singapore and New York, where he lived for 12 years. Kenelm’s investment firm performs mid-market leveraged roll-ups. He was a regular columnist for the Australian Financial Review. Kenelm is the Founder of Liberty Itch.