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Merry Christmas

As we end Advent and transition tonight into the twelve day Christmas season itself, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a...

The F-Word

It’s time to face facts, there is a dirty word in Australian politics: ‘freedom’. The ‘freedom movement’ is not popular and thatis a hard pill...
Australian PM and Chinese President

Australia’s Taiwan Visit Sparks Ugly CCP Sabre-Rattling

This month, six members of Australia's federal parliament, composed of both Labor and Coalition members, visited Taiwan. This diplomatic excursion was organised by Liberal...
Puzzled Look

Look What Happens When You Abandon Philosophy!

I’ve said it before a hundred times. I’ll say it again. Political philosophy matters. There’s no point telling me that philosophy is for intellectuals only. No! Philosophy is...

Jim Chalmer’s High School Economics Textbook Writes A Letter To Australia

Dear Australians, It’s not my fault! I begged Jim to read the chapter on the dangers of price capping. But back at school, which is the last...
Home Schooling

Let’s Make Government Redundant. Here’s How.

MAKING GOVERNMENT REDUNDANT Here at Liberty Itch, we love practical initiatives which undermine the need for government. Afterall, if we’re constantly fighting government bloat within the...

INTERVIEW: Wincing First-Hand Account of Uyghur Concentration Camp Torture

This isn’t easy to read. Omar Bekali visited Adelaide recently to deliver a series of keynote speeches. At first glance, a man on a speaking tour...

The Long, Long, Long Long List of Taxes!

Have you ever wondered how many taxes there are in Australia? The answer might shock you! Here’s the list. (If I’ve missed some, please let me...
Lord Sumption

5 Quotes From Lord Jonathan Sumption

These five quotes are from a speech delivered on 13 October 2022 in Australia by The Right Honourable Lord Jonathan Sumption, former senior judge...

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How To Overhaul Universities’ Reliance On Foreign Students

Recently, Commonwealth Education Minister Jason Clare announced plans to overhaul Australian universities to reduce their reliance on international students.  In making his announcement, Clare...