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Melbourne Man Charged With Foreign Interference Offence

The phrase 'foreign interference' often brings to mind the covert meddling into Australian affairs by the Chinese and Russian governments, both the foes of...
Frederick Hayek

Hayek Gives Liberal Democrats Its New Name

Word on the street is that the Liberal Democrats are searching for a new name. Malcolm Turnbull and the Greens forced it upon them. It...
Alexander Downer

An Open Letter To Mr. Alexander Downer

This open letter assumes the reader has also read the Australian Financial Review column by Alexander Downer dated 4 Dec 2022 found here ....

22 Patriotic Things To Do On Australia Day

Here is your definitive list of Australia Day must-dos. Any one of these makes you a thoughtful Aussie. Do all 22 and you’ll end...

WA Liberal Leader Scurries Out The Back Exit

It’s Lunar New Year this week. The term Lunar New Year is more accurate than Chinese New Year. The spring festival is not exclusively Chinese...
Senators Leyonhjelm and Day

A Centre-Right National Strategy

In The Shrinking Forest, I outlined the problem, the cause of the problem and denounced the rent-seekers who cash-in on the problem. Then in...

Know Thy Opponent

John Stuart Mill, in his 100 page essay On Liberty, offered this advice: “He who knows only his own side of the case knows little...

FREEDOM! The Daughter of Davos Resigns.

Two extraordinary things happened yesterday. First, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced her resignation effective, at the latest, early in February 2023. (Yes, New...
Ted Hui

BREAKING: Violent CCP thug convicted in NSW

This week, a pro-Beijing self-described ‘spontaneous patriot’ was successfully convicted in a Sydney court of criminal intimidation. Last August 2022, prominent pro-democracy activist and former...

How Christianity Informs Classical Liberalism

In my last two articles, I showed how George Orwell’s 1984 seems to be coming true, how the size of government grows ever larger...

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Prison Break

In 1946, Viktor Frankl, Holocaust survivor and renowned author of the book Man’s Search for Meaning, proposed that the Statue of Liberty on the...