Liberty Itch believes in you, the individual.

We respect your free will and the decisions you make about your own financial and private life.

As libertarians, we evangelise your individual self-worth and ownership, your economic freedom, private property rights, the free markets, your endowed civil liberties, limited government, the dispassionate application of the rule of law, voluntary association, tolerance and pluralism. We champion your freedom to live and let live as long as you don’t harm others.

And whether we be a classical liberal, minarchist or anarcho-capitalist, each a type of libertarian, we all proudly boast a direct and continuous philosophical lineage with thinkers like John Locke, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Frédéric Bastiat, Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, Robert Nozick, Murray Rothbard and hundreds of others.

Adam Smith, F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman

Liberty Itch is therefore the inheritor of Australia’s oldest political movement and electrifying third-way which puts you front and centre, exposing the now barely-concealed merger of the old left-right divide.

We pit ourselves squarely against two opponents: the socialist nipping relentlessly at our liberal democracy, one collectivist push after another inevitably towards centrally planned economies and food queues, and the conservative, bereft of ideas of their own, haplessly locking-in the socialists’ damage generation after generation. Both have authoritarian streaks which we intellectually contest.

Barely-concealed merger of the old left-right divide.

In this philosophical war, Liberty Itch offers fearless, battle-tested libertarian ideas with a publication and podcast.

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Liberty Itch Writers

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fearless, battle-tested, libertarian ideas


Kenelm Tonkin is an optimist
Billionaire, philanthropist, playboy, international man of mystery. I was on track to this childhood career goal until I made one tragic mistake: I joined a gym. Now I rant a lot about food, weight training and body recomposition, at
Libertarian political philosopher. Anarcho-capitalist in theory, classical liberal in practice. Co-host of The Political Animals Podcast.
David Leyonhjelm was elected to the Senate in 2013 and 2016, resigning in 2019. He is the author of two books and has operated his agribusiness consulting company for over 30 years. He has degrees in veterinary science, law and business.
Scott is an IT professional and father, he’s passionate about free speech, religious freedom, and parental rights.
Australia-first paleolibertarian. Culture before politics. Reject hedonistic individualism; embrace true freedom.
Roman historian - the Republic. BA Ancient History (Hons. 1st Class), UQ. Writer. Political theorist. Liberty & Freedom Warrior. Federal candidate for United Australia Party, May 2022. I also write monthly for Liberty Itch -
Former Senator for South Australia. Former National President of the Housing Industry Association. Current Federal Director of the Australian Family Party.
Chair Property Rights Australia and Beef Producer from Queensland. Wants to roll back red tape and reduce government intervention in our lives.
Life-long politics tragic, digital marketer and writer. Articles in The Age/SMH, The Big Issue, The Spectator, and Editor of alt lifestyle mag Hysteria from 2016-2020. An advocate for free speech, free markets, and small government.
Husband, Christian, Libertarian, Trader, Elections analyst, Writer and Gardener