The libertarian and classical liberal believes in you, your uniqueness and your inherent worth as an individual. So we respect your endowed-rights to life, liberty and property, to matters of conscience, privacy and protections under the rule of law. Because we believe your opportunity to flourish and prosper is maximised when you are free from coercion to live and let live without harming another, we believe your freedom is most likely when government is small.
So, to counter the emboldened collectivists in our society, we have assembled Australia’s leading minds to champion you, the individual. The electrifying new politics we articulate side-steps the old left-right divide and emphasises fresh perspectives oriented to your financial freedom and personal liberty. When your freedoms are challenged, we alert you. And when government wastes your taxes, we sound the alarm. If coercion dares loom, we warn you.
Liberty Itch offers fearless, battle-tested, libertarian ideas.