The sense of pain in this article crying out for a way forward had me torn between sorrow and a desire to rummage around to fix things. Jessica identifies several issues of concern for Gen Z, and I was moved as she wrote from the heart, leaving me wanting to help and hear more. Thank you for sharing. You shine when writing from the soul like this. I can't wait to learn more from you.
The sense of pain in this article crying out for a way forward had me torn between sorrow and a desire to rummage around to fix things. Jessica identifies several issues of concern for Gen Z, and I was moved as she wrote from the heart, leaving me wanting to help and hear more. Thank you for sharing. You shine when writing from the soul like this. I can't wait to learn more from you.
The sense of pain in this article crying out for a way forward had me torn between sorrow and a desire to rummage around to fix things. Jessica identifies several issues of concern for Gen Z, and I was moved as she wrote from the heart, leaving me wanting to help and hear more. Thank you for sharing. You shine when writing from the soul like this. I can't wait to learn more from you.