If he did indeed do all those things, and spoke directly to the people with an unforgiving sense of honesty and commitment to restore freedom to the state, then anything is possible.
People need to be stirred within themselves and that can only be achieved politically by someone with guts to speak with a no holds barred level of passion. We have run out of time for polite conversation.
If he did indeed do all those things, and spoke directly to the people with an unforgiving sense of honesty and commitment to restore freedom to the state, then anything is possible.
People need to be stirred within themselves and that can only be achieved politically by someone with guts to speak with a no holds barred level of passion. We have run out of time for polite conversation.
If he did indeed do all those things, and spoke directly to the people with an unforgiving sense of honesty and commitment to restore freedom to the state, then anything is possible.
People need to be stirred within themselves and that can only be achieved politically by someone with guts to speak with a no holds barred level of passion. We have run out of time for polite conversation.