Senator Ralph Babet (UAP, Vic) in full flight on Senate floor


Live now from the Senate floor, Senator Ralph Babet (UAP, Vic) raises ‘matter of interest’ … removal of Australia’s prohibition on nuclear electricity generation.

The Senator in full flight. An historic speech. Watch live now …


Nuclear energy prohibition started to emerge as a possibility in the old Hawke, Nuclear Disarmament Party days in the 1980s.

However, the nuclear energy prohibition actually came into being on 10 December 1999. The Howard Coalition Government was seeking to have a new nuclear research reactor built at Lucas Heights, Sydney. Labor was opposed so the Liberals and Nationals turned to the Australian Greens for support. The Greens said ‘yes’ if the the Government would support a prohibition on nuclear electricity production. In the absence of any nuclear power plants being constructed, the Howard Government agreed, Lucas Heights was built and the general ban instituted.

The debate in the Senate lasted 10 minutes!

On 28 September 2022, Senator Canavan (LNP, Qld) delivered a second reading speech for Environment and Other Legislation Amendment (Removing Nuclear Energy Prohibitions) Bill 2022 calling for the nuclear energy prohibition to be lifted. This amendment was not carried.

Senator Babet continues the fight.


Time for “Matters of Interest” speeches are allocated proportionally to political parties on the basis of the seats held.

The United Australia Party has one senator of seventy-six, or 2% of the time available. As the sole senator for his party, Senator Babet receives all of that time.

It is worth noting therefore that senators of the majors only receive “Matters of Interest” time at the whim of their party leadership. Liberty Itch imagines this adversely affects Senator Matthew Canavan (LNP, Qld), Senator Gerard Rennick (LNP, Qld) and Senator Alex Antic (Liberal, SA).

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