Lydia Thorpe is out!

The abrasive and race-obsessed Senator, who resigned in disgrace as Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens in 2022, now resigns from the Party which made her career and had her return in 2022.

You can understand Adam Bandt’s ashen face. Loyalty be damned!

Greens in turmoil

Hemmed-in by a nation-destroying fence of her own construction, she’ll now enjoy a life on the crossbench, a lone political animal with an untested, so-called, “Blak” constituency. Oh, for spelling!

The ever-upbeat Senator Ralph Babet from the United Australia Party was characteristical swift in his reponse, telling Liberty Itch:

“I welcome Senator Thorpe to the crossbench and look forward to working with her in opposition to The Voice referendum.”

The Liberal Party, under the leadership of Peter Dutton, is the limp partner in the Liberal-National Coalition on The Voice. In contrast, the Nationals have offered stiff opposition to what many call a race-eligible third chamber, a principled position despite the risk of desserters.

Social media is saturated with a more blunt assessment of The Voice: apartheid.

Senator Babet’s enterprising bridge-building is work the Liberals seem long ago incapable of achieving.

Well may Liberty Itch subscribers wish the energetic Senator Babet good luck. He will need it. Senator Thorpe was initially against The Voice, then for, now uncommitted, hardly the history of a sure-footed politican with a clear voter-base.

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